Your Trusted Guide

At Pocket Montana, we’re more than just a travel guide; we’re your window into the heart and soul of Montana. Our reputation isn’t just built on providing information; it’s anchored in our deep-rooted love and firsthand knowledge of Montana.

Powered by a passionate team of local Montanans, travelers, and special guest contributors, we bring to life every facet of Montana’s vast landscape.

We aim to provide a panoramic view of Montana life: from hidden trails and majestic landmarks to vibrant festivals and cozy diners. Or maybe you’re seeking adrenaline-fueled adventures, gastronomic delights, or the charming allure of Montana’s towns, we’ve got you covered.

And if you feel there’s a Montanan gem we’ve missed, reach out! We’re always exploring, and your input helps us ensure that Pocket Montana remains the most authentic and comprehensive guide to Big Sky Country.

A lake with mountains in Montana.


In the spirit of sharing the Montana we know and love, we’re excited to offer private tours designed to immerse you in the experiences that captivate us most about Big Sky Country. Just like the diverse stories and paths that brought our founders together, we believe every journey through Montana should be as unique as the individuals embarking on it.

Private Tours Tailored for You: Drawing from our vast knowledge and deep love for Montana, our private tours are more than just trips; they’re personalized adventures crafted to your curiosity and interests. From secluded hikes in pristine wilderness to intimate tours of local landmarks and festivals, we create one-of-a-kind experiences that go beyond the surface.

Let us take you on a journey through the heart and soul of Montana, where every turn reveals a story, and every vista inspires awe. It’s not just about seeing Montana; it’s about feeling it, understanding it, and falling in love with it, just as we have.

Three people kayaking on a serene mountain lake in Pocket Montana.

Pocket Montana: Our Story

Chris Hall, Ashley Smith, and Elizabeth Hawley weren’t just Montanans; they were college buddies with a shared passion for their majestic homeland. Their bond had been forged over semesters, with countless shared stories of Montana’s splendor echoing through dorm rooms and university halls.

One summer, reuniting after graduation, the trio decided to relive their college days with a camping trip to Glacier National Park. Nestled by the serene shores of Lake McDonald, with tents pitched and a campfire roaring, they reminisced about their college escapades, all invariably tied to the beauty and allure of Montana.

That night, as the flames danced and shadows played on their tents, they spoke of their favorite Montana moments – the first snowfall witnessed together, a spontaneous road trip to witness the autumn foliage, and that magical winter where they’d skied under the northern lights. Each tale was a testament to their state’s charm, and with every recounted memory, a sense of longing grew – a desire to share these personal tales with others.

In the cocoon of their tents, surrounded by Montana’s nighttime serenity, a shared dream took shape: to create a digital canvas that painted Montana in all its glory. By dawn, fueled by their collective nostalgia and love for their homeland, the blueprint for emerged.

Pocket Montana isn’t just a travel site; it’s our tribute to Montana, crafted by three friends who wants the world to see our home through our eyes, and to fall in love with it, just as we have.

Meet Our Team

A young woman standing on the beach.

Ashley Smith


A man standing in front of a body of water in Pocket Montana.

Chris Hall


A young woman with a backpack smiling in the mountains.

Elizabeth Hawley


Ashley Smith

Co-Founder, Montanan

A woman smiling at camera in Pocket Montana.

Hello there! I’m Ashley Smith, born on a chilly winter’s day, Montana has been my playground since childhood. The first snowfall of the year always brings back memories of building snowmen and winter hikes. 

Co-founding was my way of sharing the magic of Montana’s seasons with the world. I’m obsessed with Montana’s rich culture, from the local festivals to the tales passed down generations.

Every corner of this state has a story, and I’m here to tell it. Let’s explore Montana’s cultural tapestry together!

I’m always here to answer your queries or just chat about the joys of wandering around Big Sky Country. Just drop me a line at ashley[at]

Chris Hall

Co-Founder, Montanan

A man near a lake in Pocket Montana.

Hi, I’m Chris Hall, co-founder of Growing up among Montana’s breathtaking landscapes ignited my passion for travel. 

While I’ve journeyed to many corners of the world, the allure of Montana’s wild beauty always draws me back. To me, travel is about understanding the soul of a place, and Montana has a special place in my heart. It’s where endless adventures meet raw nature. combines my love for Montana through my local travel insights. I aim to inspire and guide fellow travelers on how to get the most from their journeys. 

Got questions or stories of your own? I’m all ears! Reach out to me anytime at chris[at] Let’s journey through the extraordinary world of Montana together!

Elizabeth Hawley

Co-Founder, Montanan

A young woman hiking in the mountains with a backpack in Pocket Montana.

Hey, fellow travelers! I’m Elizabeth Hawley, stepping into the world in the hues of fall. For me, Montana is more than just a state; it’s a muse. The golden aspen trees and russet landscapes in the fall have always fueled my creativity. 

Co-founding was a no-brainer, blending my love for art, photography, and Montana’s ever-changing palette. 

I’m on a mission to capture the visual essence of our beautiful state and its diverse landscapes. From the glacial lakes to the crimson sunsets, I aim to paint a vivid picture for our community. Grab your camera, and let’s make memories!

I’m here to guide you on your travels, to answer your questions, or just to chat about the shared joy of exploration. Don’t hesitate to reach out at elizabeth[at]

And feel free to also contact us here.